Sunday 12 January 2014


Homophonusion: noun. Homophonusion is a quite typical and widespread phenomenon that manifests itself in one´s ability to spell properly. Simply put, homophonusion is the accidental substitution of a homophone for its alike sounding counterpart in a text; an example being "They´re bare seas my add four ail." Now literally, this example could be deciphered to mean something like "They are basic seas when they are troubled by adding four of me." However, the intended meaning would be: "Their bear sees my ad for ale;" in other words: "The animal of the family ursidae belonging to them is visually perceiving my advertisement for beer brewed from malted barley." In spoken interaction, homophonusion is quite difficult to distinguish. In fact, some linguists are of the opinion that spoken homophonusion does not exist. These scientists are in the minority though, and so going with the majority, we can say that our ability to distinguish homophonusion is not evolved enough yet, but one day, it will be at a stage when we can recognise it with relative ease. 

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