Saturday 1 March 2014


Elefantary: adjective. The most basic of concepts, which relate to elephants. This can, but doesn't have to include elephants eating, breeding, sleeping, walking, stamping, you get the idea. It's well known that the famous elephant-tamer Shertrunk Holes often said his catchphrase: "It's elefanary, my dear Walkson." The international association of apes and associated mammals, which is based in Barbados, has appealed to the Unites Nations several times about the heinous discrimination of other mammals, which aren't elephants and don't have an appropriate adjective to use in a catchphrase. In 1943 the Penguins of the North Pole united and started a global campaign to make the word "penguinary" become common-speech, but this endeavour hit rocky shores, when all the penguins were killed by the Great Sea-lion Disaster of Madagascar.

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