Wednesday 11 November 2015


Prosect: noun/verb. There are various definitions, which have been attributed to this word:

1. A particularly excellent bubbly wine, which isn't necessarily Prosecco, but probably is.
2. The supporter or believer in of a cult or sect; most probably a complete and utter lunatic.
3. To guard a person or thing, by inciting a group of fanatics to religiously worship the person or thing and not allow any 'normal' human being to approach the person or thing.
4. The head of a chapter in a cathedral, which does not have an appointed bishop or archbishop, but is in the diocese of a archbishop, who had served as a cardinal in at least 3 papal elections before passing the age limit for voting.
5. The area in a rink or stadium reserved for those who favour the home team, but aren't 'really that into sports, ya know...?'

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