Saturday 27 April 2013


Athatch: verb. To take a sudden liking to or interest in Margaret Thatcher. In less common usage, the word can also be used to describe the situation when one is stapled, glued or surgically sewn to Margaret Thatcher. The verb usually follows the patterns verbs tend to follow, unless preceded by the words “liberal” or “labour,” in which case the sentence loses on its comprehensiveness and should, therefore, not be written at all. The sentence that should be here instead of this one but is not is a clear example of that. The word athatch was first used by the American president Ronald Regan who, upon meeting the British ambassador in the White House, told him that he had quite recently athatched himself and that he wishes the best of luck to the British Prime Minister. This was, of course, grammatically incorrect, as the verb athatch is used without a pronoun following it.

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