Wednesday 28 May 2014


Exexistence: noun. The state of being permanently wiped from existence. Some philosophers believing in the immortality of the soul have argued that exexistence is impossible, while a few others believe that exexistence is the only logical effect of death. In the material world, exexistence can be used on several different levels. The first of these is when a compound changes form to such extent that it can no longer be called by its previous name, such as when a table burns - it is no longer a table but a pile of ashes and that what had previously been a table is now in exexistence. The second of these is when matter itself ceases to exist by being converted into energy. The third, and largely hypothetical, use of the word exexistence is when matter or energy ceases to exist entirely - a phenomenon that goes contrary to the laws of thermodynamics but is nevertheless theorised by physicists who have almost entirely stopped living in the real world and return from their sphere of numbers and irrational rationality (or was it rational irrationality?) for breakfast, lunch, dinner and an occasional bath.

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