Saturday 30 April 2016


Forelorn: adjective. Describing something which is predicted to be pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely, or unlikely to succeed or be fulfilled. For example the endeavor of Christopher Columbus was mocked as forelorn, which was eventually proven incorrect due to his perseverance and hard-work. Today Columbus' efforts to overcome this forelorn sentence are often overlooked and he is mocked for having arrived at a continent known to many people before him, the Vikings being just one example. Columbus was however unaware of these accounts, clear from the fact that he refused to believe he hadn't landed in the East Indies. Columbus may be partially responsible for initiating the genocide of millions of native people of the Americas, but no more so than the majority of the people of his time. Columbus was also most likely a tyrannous governor of Hispaniola, but this does not take away from his laudable efforts in setting out on his voyages and overcoming many difficulties to achieve the feat. Today Columbus' landing and discovery are an opportunity to celebrate the richness gained through the process of mestijaze, indigenous resistance, cultures and respect for cultural diversity.

Thursday 28 April 2016


Sone: noun. Pronounced so as to rhyme with 'loan'. The end bit of tape that you need to find when you want to use tape. This word was coined by Dr. Horace Day, who was frankly amazed that this word didn't already mean something, it's such a plausible combination of 4 letters, it looks like it should mean something, but until Dr. Day, it hadn't. To be fair, we were all pretty amazed that it didn't already mean something...we just kinda assumed it just totally looks like it has to mean something...ya you get what I'm sayin'?

Tuesday 26 April 2016


Prorn: noun.

1. Porn involving prawns.
2. Porn involving Marcel Proust or the works of Marcel Proust.
3. Premium porn - porn that you have to pay more than 13.4% of your weekly salary for.
4. Prejudiced porn - porn with a person judging you from the side.
5. Porn involving the man who announces "and now back to our regularly scheduled programming."
6. Prestigious porn - porn involving at least two members of a noble house and a respected academic.
7. Porn involving Pringles in some way.
8. Porn with the music of Prince as the soundtrack.

Saturday 23 April 2016


Panjamdrum: noun. The hypothetical barrel that could contain all the marmalade in the world. This was part of a thought experiment the English writer Samuel Richardson, who was attempting to make a point about the power and authority of the Pope, which seemingly got away from him. Since then panjamdrum has been used in various scenarios involving bees, horticulture, bears, seagulls and the like.

Thursday 21 April 2016


Quasi-hyperpathetical: adjective. Describing something which appears to be incredibly miserable and contemptibly inadequate, but in fact isn't. For example the love life of J. Alfred Prufrock was initially described as "so sad and disappointing it's almost tragic" by Christina Rossetti, the immortal Queen of Sick Burns, but upon further inspection, all of Rossetti's claims were refuted by Robert Frost, who was a sad excuse for lumberjack who didn't have the balls to be an actual lumberjack, so he just wrote weepy poems about it. Rossetti out.

Tuesday 19 April 2016


Serendipetous: adjective. Occurring or discovered due to a force acting to cause the occurrence or discovery in a  happy or beneficial way. Serendipetous is the sister word to 'serendipitous', both are the children words of  'serendipity', which is in turn the child word of 'Serendip', which is the cousin word of 'Sielen Diva' and the aunt word of 'Ceylon'. The whole word family has been recently denounced by the 'Lanka' word family, headed by the father word 'Lak-diva', which true to form, is definitely a diva.

Saturday 16 April 2016


Smughead: noun. A person with the unique and frankly incredible ability to convey his or hers or theirs smugness in photographs. One would assume that smugness is a quality that emerges through a person's actions and behavior and thus shouldn't be captureable, and yet smugheads emanate their smugness to such an extent simply from their appearance and expressions that it can actually be preserved and recorded on photographs.

Thursday 14 April 2016


Santaism: noun. A religious movement founded on the idea that Santa with his flying reindeer and mystical express-delivery abilities is the highest form of power in the known and unknown universe. The religion is most prevalent amongst UPC and Amazon communities, who have developed intricate shrines to Santa and in honour of Santaism inside trucks, airplanes and warehouses. The largest Santaist temple, the Golden Bauble, also holds the record for largest Cardboard box fort.

Tuesday 12 April 2016


Screem: noun. A visual representation of a scream. Screems are notoriously difficult to create successfully and many artists throughout history have attempted to do so. Perhaps one of the most successful and aesthetically-pleasing screems was created by Giuliano Pessello as a fresco on top of the Parthenon in Rome. Unfortunately the paints that Pessello used were water-soluble and so were washed away only 245 days after the screem was completed.

Saturday 9 April 2016


Junkette: noun. A dish of sweetened and flavoured curds of milk and an assortment of cheap toys from the 90's, those various leaflets you get at conventions, several drawers filled with plastic bags, all those little screwdrivers from IKEA, various little knickknacks that you'll definitely need one day and spare pieces of Lego that don't seem to fit anywhere.

Thursday 7 April 2016


Lumination: noun. The process of covering a piece of paper in a layer of glowing plastic from both sides so as to protect the piece of paper, make it more sturdy and glowing, so that it is readable in the dark. Lumination was originally developed in the 1980's by the physical chemist John W. Boothe in his lab in MIT. Boothe claims that it was mostly an accident, he had left a piece of plastic in a solution while he left to go to the theatre, and when he returned the piece of plastic was glowing brightly and vividly and so his immediate thought was to try it in lamination.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


Desssert: noun. A vast expanse of land composed entirely of sweet, sugary treats, such as pancakes, crepes, eclairs, cakes, pies, and chocolate, as well as others. Examples of dessserts include the Great Frosted Plains of Siberia and the Brulee Plateau in Argentina. What the various tourist bureaus that are responsible for the dessserts, is why there aren't more people visiting them.

Saturday 2 April 2016


Applausible: adjective. Something which warrants an expression of approval in the form of furious and repeated striking of palms together. This word was coined by theatre critic Samuel Tage, who described the performance of John Gielgud and Alec Guinness in Anything Goes, calling the finale "truly applausible".