Monday 24 April 2017

Special Snowflake Syndrome Paradox

Special Snowflake Syndrome Paradox (SSSP). The seeming contradiction when a person derives a sense of uniqueness and superiority from criticising other people for purportedly thinking themselves unique and superior. 

Monday 17 April 2017


Gayflakism: The persistent and unshakable belief that LGBTQ people have an insatiable need for attention and that their efforts to achieve equal rights are in fact attempts at making the world acknowledge them as special snowflakes. People suffering from this misconception tend to have an insatiable need for attention themselves and try to fulfil it by airing their idiotic notions on the internet. 

Monday 10 April 2017


Trale: noun. A trite tale. Trales are most often aired at annual family reunions, for example when your aunt Sue recounts yet another one of her shopping exploits during which she, through strategic use of coupons, made 12 quid, ending her story with a dull moral about not getting ripped off by big companies (dignity, no doubt, being a bourgeois concept invented to hold back the struggling proletariat). Or maybe you may think of your uncle James who tells yet another trale of his petty squabbles with local authorities, this time on being allowed to build a useless portico at the back of his house, the moral here being “well it’s my bleedin’ plot o’ land, innit!” 

Monday 3 April 2017


Memenationophany: noun. The realisation that the only remaining way one connects to the world and communicates with other people is through memes. Typically, one tends to have a memenationophany between the 70th and 100th time one tags a friend in a meme on Facebook, either without commentary, or with a very short one, such as “dis u.” Interestingly, only 20% of all people who report having gone through a memenationophany decide to do something about it, and only 40% of this number actually do. The vast majority simply accept their social awkwardness and proceed to tag a friend in yet another meme.