Thursday 29 September 2016


D(earth)²: noun. A scarcity or lack of earth. This word was created in 2015 at the International Overpopulation Commune and Conference held in the City of Manila. D(earth)² was created to describe the increasing lack of available land for human habitation, as the world population continues to sky rocket (see local maternity hospital). Recent estimates suggest that by 2050 the only available plot of land the size of a reasonable vegetable patch will be available somewhere on the border between the Republic of Texas and the Midwest Federation. 

Tuesday 27 September 2016


Brother: verb. For a male to worry, disturb or upset someone, if they are your sibling. This word was first coined by the renowned actress Jane Fonda in her thirteenth autobiography (all editions include a free exercise DVD and a brochure on how to look youthful in your later years), when she covered the intense period of her life between June 12th of 1949 and September 2nd of the same year. In a passage discussing her youthful involvement with the political left, she mentioned the clear expression of disinterest from her brother, renowned actor Peter Fonda, stating that she was "frankly brothered by it."

Saturday 24 September 2016


Rapism: noun. The belief that rape exists. As some logicians may have intuited, this suggests that there is a belief that rape doesn't exist, which is indeed the case, and arapism, is a significant problem that plagues often significant communities, usually consisting of rapists and their relations, or generally people not sympathising or understand the victim's position.

Thursday 22 September 2016


Sweather: noun. Weather that causes a person to sweat. The exact characteristics of sweather can never be well defined, due to the variation amongst the general populace in conditions that lead to sweating. For example, those suffering from hyperhidrosis would describe most conditions as sweather, while some particularly resistant specimens would have to be subject to the Sahara desert, before being willing to admit that they even have sweat glands.

Tuesday 20 September 2016


Ducktile: adjective. (of a metal) able to be drawn out into a duck-like shape.
(of a person) docile or gullible with a propensity for lowering one's head quickly and suddenly in the face of potential danger or a threat of some form. This word originates in the writings of Ernest Hemingway, who needed a succinct way to describe all those tedious soldier-characters that he filled his books with.

Saturday 17 September 2016


Compunsure: noun. The state or feeling of being panicked and lacking control. The word is credited to the philosopher Lucretius, who in his infamous poem 'De rerum natura' suggests that if you attain a state of compunsure, you are well on your way to achieving a kind of nirvana...or something, we weren't really listening...

Thursday 15 September 2016


Aquacurious: adjective. Although aquarius are considered a fixed sign of the zodiac, they can under special circumstances, become almost mutable, in which case they are identified as 'aquacurious'. These special circumstances include Uranus being in recession and Mercury in Sagittarius, while Venus suffers from inflation, the Moon files for bankruptcy and the Sun hires an interior decorator to "fix the place up".

Tuesday 13 September 2016


Trumpcate: verb. To suggest that someone is involved in some sort of crime or 'crooked' activity, without having any evidence to show for it, simply to make yourself appear more credible and appealing. This word will be created in the year 2035 by the political commentator Adele Cersei Gonzalez, while giving a lecture on the effects of hate on common sense.

Saturday 10 September 2016


Catkini: noun. Much like the batkini, this is a swimsuit, which covers the entire body except for the face, hands and feet, intended to comply with the Islamic traditions of modest dress, with cat ears on top. In fact, the two are exactly identical and this is simply a marketing ploy designed to earn corrupt clothing firms more and more money! Simply put, someone in a dingy office realised that the ears of some bats look exactly the same as the ears of most cats and decided to employ this to his benefit. He probably now sits in a slightly less dingy office.

Thursday 8 September 2016


Batkini: noun. A type of swim suit which covers the entire body except for the face, hands and feet, intended to comply with Islamic traditions of modest dress, with bat ears on top. With this adage, when a wearer is requested or instructed to remove the batkini, they can claim to be wearing a Batman costume, which can either be interpreted to mean a costume of the well-known comic book superhero, or a traditional dress from the city of Batman, Turkey, whichever floats the requestors proverbial boat.

Tuesday 6 September 2016


Sleevish: adjective. Describing someone, who wears their heart on their sleeve. The word was coined by three years ago by a lonely introvert sitting in a park at dusk, thinking that his sleevishness was the reason for his loneliness, as his overeagerness combined with the need to withdraw after prolonged social exposure tended to confuse people rather than bring them closer. Interestingly enough, he was right.

Saturday 3 September 2016


Re-morse: noun and verb. Two equally interesting definitions for this word:

1. noun. Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed expressed through some form of encrypted transmission and often through an archaic and obsolete communication technology. For example, sending the following tap code by carrier pigeon would be an example of re-morse: ".... ...   ... ....   .... ..    .... ..    ..... ...."
2. verb. To resend a message in Morse code either because the first message wasn't delivered or because you panicked at the last second, turned on airplane mode, stopped the first message from sending and decided to send something else instead after turning airplane mode back off again.

Thursday 1 September 2016


Disparrot: adjective. The quality of being so different from a parrot, that there really is no foundation for a sensible comparison. For example, an 18 wheeler is highly disparrot, while a toucan isn't particularly disparrot. The word can also be used for making comparisons in its comparative form, as exemplified here: "The recently discovered planet Proxima Centauri b is far disparroter than a Palestine sunbird." The superlative form of the word is only used in opinions, rather than factual writing, as it is extremely difficult to verify the veracity of the claim, mostly because geneticists simply can't be asked.