Wednesday 4 September 2013


Sheepwreckingnoun. Contrary to popular belief in New Zealand, sheepwrecking is not the act of wrecking while driving a sheep or multiple sheep at once, nor does it describe the situation when one drives their car, boat or plane into one. Sheepwrecking is, in fact, the act of discriminating against a certain group of animals and thereby wrecking their self-confidence by not allowing them to have a distinct plural form. This applies to animals such as sheep, fish, jellyfish, flying fish, swordfish, angelfish, stonefish, pufferfish, scorpionfish, lionfish, longfish, shortfish, fatfish, slimfish, goodfish, badfish, smellyfish, stinkyfish, platyfish and chicken. This discriminatory phenomenon also occurs in different languages besides English, for example in Swahili most animals, bananas, tomatoes and grandmothers have an identical singular and plural form, but out of the afore mentioned, only the animals can officially file a sheepwrecking complaint (unlike the bananas, tomatoes and grandmothers who can´t file one at all due to reduced mobility).

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