Sunday 8 February 2015


Bants: noun. A specific type of pants to be worn during banter. These were created in the early 1800's and were marketed as being for the "perfect and typical Victorian gentleman", as well as "as worn by Prince Albert". It is thought that Queen Victoria herself owned 230 of them. By some mysterious force, which has yet to be explained, or some trickery of science, almost all bants would self-combust exactly 16 months after manufacture. This lead to a rapid decrease in their numbers. The last two known bants in existence are owned by the British Museum and are housed in a moisture-less titanium box, 200 feet beneath the ground with absolutely no monitoring to ensure that they haven't combusted yet.

Fragment XVII

Lady Catherine was in a rather indignant and semi-recumbant position leaning into Elizabeth, who quickly realised was leaning against her and jumped back. This caused Lady Catherine to lose her balance and appear for several seconds as if she were about to fall. However she somehow regained her composure and did not lose any of the air of pompous superiority that constantly surrounded her.

"Babbage, where in the universe are we?" she ordered subsequently.
"That is a very apt questions, Lady Catherine. As indeed we are no longer on the world, as we know it. We have entered the far reaches of the great beyond and are now traversing what one could describe as the night sky...", Babbage mused.
"Enough with this poetic nonsense, I asked where we are?!" Lady Catherine interrupted.
"Well, we seem to be orbiting the Sun, that's why it is currently quite warm here." Babbage replied, this time with significantly less grace.
"Why, that is utterly incredible. We've travelled into space, the first people to get to see the entirety of Earth from the outside. Most people haven't even dreamed of this." Exclaimed Charlotte suddenly, she was very much enchanted with what was happening.

Suddenly the box shook rather violently and seemed to tilt, as everyone and their luggage began to slide towards one side.

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