Sunday 1 February 2015


Woderful: adjective. Describing something that is wonderful, because of the woe it causes in either you or someone in whom you can observe the woe. To take a rather drastic example, to Hitler the genocide of the Jews was woderful, because of the woe he observed in their relatives. Specifically because of this example, the word has disappeared from common usage and has since been shunned by the other words beginning with the letter 'w'.

Fragment XVI

Now that everyone and everything important to the passengers was on board of the giant box and the newcomers had the situation, as well as their sudden appearance explained to them, the box was ready to depart. Lady Catherine immediately turned to Babbage, "Well? What are you waiting for? I shan't have any more pointless dilly-dallying. We are prepared and should be on our way."

Babbage moved to the other end of the box and was suddenly surrounded by an aura of importance comparable to that of Lady Catherine, as he turned to his passengers and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, the journey you and I are about to embark on hasn't even been imagined by most people and it shall remain that way for decades more. We shall be pioneers of an era unexplo...Mr. Collins, DON'T TOUCH THAT."

Mr. Collins hadn't understood much of what Babbage was saying, so he decided to make himself more comfortable in his current situation by adjusting some knobs and dials on a control panel, so as to lean himself against it more comfortably. What happened next is statistically speaking extraordinarily unlikely considering the circumstances.

Everyone survived and was in one piece. Mr. Hurst suffered a mild concussion, but that was about it. From the outside it appeared as if the box had stood there without any apparent activity and then suddenly it no longer stood where it was. There was stunned silence aboard/inside the box, wherever that was; until...
"MR. COLLINS, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" shrieked a commanding voice.

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