Thursday 28 July 2016


Empurple: verb. While the conventional definition for the word empurple is "to become purple," a new meaning arose with an error in a 1996 translation of the Bolivian novel Cincuenta tonos de morado by a translator who has since changed his name and fled to Australia. Attempting to translate the wordplay of the Spanish original, in which the main character is in love (está enamorado) with a tub of perfectly purple (morado) blueberry ice-cream, the translator - admitting years later that the decision came in a moment of very bad judgement - decided to translate the word enamorado as empurple, not meaning "to become purple" but "to fall in love." Thus arose a mistake killing the translator's career, but meanwhile enriching the English dictionary, which is what this blog is all about. Yes, we really are a flock of scavenging, immoral vultures.

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what I just read, but i love it anyway
