Sunday 28 December 2014


Sock-up: noun. The period after Christmas known globally by all operators of waste incinerators. It is the large pile-up of socks, which are thrown away as presents, which were appreciated on Christmas Day, but as the owner realised their 'unique' colour decided to dispose of, for the sake of his entire close family. There have been movements to try and prevent sock-up every year, by destroying all awful socks, while still in stores. However all that this has achieved is the burning down of several Tesco stores, as well as others.

Fragment XI

Everything happened exactly as Lady Catherine instructed. There was an early lunch and afterwards everyone prepared or delegated the preparation of their belongings, so that everyone including Mr. Collins was outside the inn just as Mr. Babbage was walking into the courtyard.

“Ah, how excellent to see you all here! Elizabeth, Darcy how marvelous that you could come to join my little venture. And you must be the acquaintances that I’ve been informed about,”, then with a look of significant anxiety, “and of course Lady Catherine, without whom none of this would have been possible. How will I ever repay you?”

“Well, you can begin repaying me by taking my luggage and leading us to our destination swiftly and without inane detours.” was Lady Catherine’s ‘nonchalant’ reply.

Mr. Babbage immediately rushed over, somehow managed to accommodate all 7 of Lady Catherine’s suitcases and then proceeded to quickly begin walking out of the courtyard. As he did so, he also began to explain. “To those of you, who are new to this journey, I shall briefly explain what will soon begin to unfold. Around a year ago, my experiments lead to me to what I soon realised was a new source of a potentially unlimited source of power, specifically a source of kinetic energy for an object. I knew that this could have many extremely beneficial applications for society, however my inner child got the better of me and I sought out an investor, who would be willing to sponsor a trip into the night, specifically up through the atmosphere and beyond. And that’s how I stumbled upon Lady Catherine.” Babbage finished the last sentence with a shudder, but thankfully Lady Catherine didn’t notice.

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