Tuesday 23 July 2013


Nautilausea: noun. There are several universally acknowledged meanings of this word:
1. Being nauseated by a nautilus. A very common phenomenon among divers, fishermen and any other people who happen to be caught in a storm causing nautili to fall from the sky.
2. Being nauseated by captain Nemo´s submarine, incidentally also called Nautilus. Once the submarine is found, it is (at least according to several witnesses) very easy to become nauseated, as it is typical for it to be covered with many dead fish and octopi that are eventually sucked in and served for dinner.
3. The ill use of the suffix naut, causing nausea among anyone who is prudent enough to care. An example of such an occurrence is the word "juggernaut," which (in simple words) is an unstoppable force and not someone who travels into the jugger the same way a cosmonaut goes to the cosmos and the oceanaut goes to the ocean.

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