Tuesday 22 October 2013


Alpacabetical:  Adjective. Ordered dependent on the motions of an alpaca. To put documents in alpacabetical order, one must print all existing documents and place them equal distances from the alpaca and wait for the alpaca to either walk up to a document to eat it, examine it, criticize it, etc. or for the alpaca to starve, unable to choose which document to approach. The alpaca cannot be fed before it approaches a document because that may affect the decision it makes. If the alpaca chooses a document, then it can be fed before the same test is done, removing the document the alpaca chose, when all documents have been chosen they can be put in the order that the alpaca chose them to be organized in alpacabetical order. If the alpaca dies during this test or a new document is created then the entire test must be redone to determine the proper, alpacabetical order.

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