Sunday 3 August 2014


Napthaligenous: adjective. Describing something or someone which/who produces smoke after smoking naptha. In many societies this is considered dangerous and therefore illegal, but more liberal societies where idiotic people can risk their lives and most people's attitude is: "See if I care?" and "It's your life, do what you want." it is perfectly acceptable and allowed. It's killed 32,583 people in Switzerland. Napthaligenous people are often green smell faintly of burning meat and are known for their profoundly satirical and surreal poetry in the style of E. E. Cummings.

Fragment 17:

Herb collected his bearings and ran out of his home. He took the shortest way to his lab, which lead him through the smoking ruins of a buarn and a fumic church. There was a smell of prepetrichor in the air and the atmosphere was equally sinister and concerning. He hoped that he could stop this mad plan to kill the entire population of his planet, but he was more outraged about someone being in his lab without his permission. Herb was not an expert in siegology but he was confident he could get into his lab. He'd worked there for as long as he could remember and knew every side entrance and ventilation shaft like the back of his own palm. And he'd spent years studying the back of his palm for a research project, so he knew it very well! Herb knew he had to be careful, for all he knew there could be a zeqex waiting for him at the lab. He wasn't entirely sure what that was, but he was afraid of it.

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